Data recovery - Hard Disk Repair and File Recovery

Data Recovery

Data recovery

Make sure your sensitive data have been erased

Ondata Disk Eraser is a software tool which makes it possible to safely erase data from hard drives. The software used has been developed within Ondata’s own laboratory and uses a complex algorithm process to ensure complete selected historical data erasure.

The software will be able to erase data/files from external and internal hard drives. The software is very simple to operate but extremely powerful in its operation. To start the process just select the drives and files/data that need to be deleted, then select how many cycles you want the data overwritten, between 1 to 10, the algorithm will then write different patterns to the selected historical data files you want erased.

After confirmation that the required data has been erased, it will be impossible for anybody to access the original data, technology does not exist today to recover the historical data which has been erased.

There are 4 different models, compare and choose the one that suits your needs. See the comparative table.

  Caja Eraser
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Data recovery


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Wait for the download to start, you will receive your KEY by email
... and now you can  recover your data

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Our engineers are highly qualified in computer forensics.
Entrust your data to us: nobody will try harder to recover your damaged files or disks.

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Our engineers are specialized in data recovery after years of experience in the field of file recovery.
Trust us your data: nobody will do more to recover your lost files or damaged hard drive.